Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

About Green Schools
Green-Schools, known internationally as Eco-Schools, is an international environmental education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole school action for the environment.
This is a long-term programme that introduces Students, Teachers, Parents and the wider Community to the concept of an environmental management system.
It aims to foster a strong sense of citizenship and leadership among participants that spreads far outside the school into the wider community.
It also promotes a strong sense of teamwork among teachers, students and the wider community to reach a common high level goal.
It flattens and democratises school management structures. It brings Students into the decision-making process and makes them responsible for their decision and actions.
The aim of Green-Schools is to increase Students’ and participant awareness of environmental issues through classroom studies and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider community.
Schools that have successfully completed all the elements of the programme are awarded the ‘Green-Flag’. This award has now become a well-recognised Eco-Label. The award has to be renewed every two years.
Green-Schools (Eco-Schools) is an initative of, and co-ordinated on an international level by, FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). Currently, the Programme is being implemented in over 50 countries around the world, involving over 40,000 schools, 11,000,000 students, 850,000 teachers and 5,700 local authorities.
Green Schools work is largely Student led.
Each Flag relates to an Environmental Theme
There are six Themes (Flags) to work towards
It takes approximately two years to achieve a Green Flag
This is positive work for our School, but also for home life and the wider Community.

An Taisce EEU Programmes
Green-Schools is operated in Ireland by An Taisce - the National Trust for Ireland.
An Taisce's Environmental Education Unit is responsible for developing and operating some of Ireland's most popular and successful environmental programmes and campaigns.
Neat Streets
Green Home
National Spring Clean
Blue Flag
Clean Coasts
Green Communities
Greening Communities
For more information on the above programmes please click here