Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

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Work on our 5th Flag, Biodiversity, begins once we are flying Flag 4 (Travel)

Biodiversity is the fifth theme of the programme. It was launched as an official theme of Green-Schools in September 2010 following a successful pilot project with schools located in the North West of the country.
As with the previous themes, Biodiversity cross-cuts and integrates with the rest of the themes in many ways.
Biodiversity is the huge variety and variation of life that surrounds us. Biodiversity is essential in keeping the environment healthy and fit for human life. Not only do we rely on biodiversity but our activities also have an effect on it.
The overall aim of the Biodiversity theme is for schools to increase awareness of the importance of biodiversity and for students and staff to come up with ways in which we can help biodiversity. This can be achieved through improving or preserving our local biodiversity whether it is in our school garden, at home, a green space in the city, your local beach, a river way etc.
Schools have the opportunity to play a vital role in promoting and preserving biodiversity both locally and globally.
Green-Schools Woodland
In 2011, An Taisce decided to celebrate the success of the Green-Schools programme in Ireland and International Year of the Forests by planting a Green-Schools Woodland. The Woodland was planted on 17th November 2011 at Ballinreeshig Nature Farm, Co. Cork in conjunction with Will and Away Outdoor Education Company. In total, 3,560 native trees were planted to represent all schools in Ireland that were awarded the prestigious Green Flag award since it began in 1997, until 2011.
The Green-Schools Woodland provides a place for schools to visit and learn about the importance of biodiversity with a particular focus on forests.