Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Board of Management
A Board of Management (B.O.M.) is a partnership between parents, teachers, Patrons’ representatives and community representatives in the task of school management. Scoil Bhríde's Board of Management, under the direction of the Patron, is responsible for upholding the ethos, traditions and culture of the school.
The B.O.M. is responsible for direct government of the school, subject to the rules of National Schools, the Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure, legislation and circulars.
A new Board, consisting of 8 people, is elected every four years. The new four year term for this Board commenced on 1st December 2023.
Mr Tom O' Donoghue
Mrs Marion Sherlock
Patron Nominee
Fr Michal Cudzilo
Teacher Nominee
Ms Megan Higgins
Parent Nominee
Mrs Kuni Gardiner
Parent Nominee
Mr David Keane
Community Nominee
Mrs. Noreen Duggan
Community Nominee
Mrs Michelle MacDonald