Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Parents Association Committee
While all Parents and Guardians of children attending Scoil Bhride Athgarvan are automatically members of the Parents Association, it is not necessary, or practical, for the majority to be involved in the day-to-day activities of the Association. This is normally handled by the Parents Association Committee.
Election of the Committee
The usual practice is that an AGM is held in the GP Room of Scoil Bhride during September (date/time will be advertised via school text, Newsletter and on this website at least 5 days in advance of AGM)
At the AGM volunteers put their names forward for the school year to come. These people make up the Committee, and this usually between 8 and 16 people.
The newly formed Committee meet shortly after the AGM (approximately a week later). At this Committee meeting, the 'Officers' are elected. Generally, the Officer posts are Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Committee usually meet between 6 and 10 times in any one year.
Meetings of Committee
Minutes are read at the beginning of each meeting and signed off
All documents are confidential and remain confidential within the Committee until agreed upon and signed off by the Committee.
Confidentiality must be maintained at all times
The Parents Association committee will finance the activities of the Parents Association through fundraising.
A Treasurer will be appointed from among the Committee members and will be responsible for keeping account of the income and expenditure of the Parent Association finances. The Treasurer will give a statement of income and expenditure at each Committee meeting. Click here for more information on Parent Association finances.
A sincere 'thank you' to the Officers, listed below, and the full Committee who are again volunteering their time and energy to making Scoil Bhríde a great place for your children to be! Thank you all!
Committee Officers for 2023/2024
If you are interested in being involved, just contact us.