Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Parent Association Finances &
Fund Raising

Parent Associations are entitled to raise funds for the administration and activities of the Association. A Parent Association is expected to consult with the Board of Management (BOM), which includes the Principal, about fundraising as the approval of the BOM is normally needed prior to funds being raised.
Normally, an Officer of the Parent Association will meet with the Principal (who is a member of the BOM), and together they will decide what will be of most benefit to the school. The Principal may draw up a wish-list from which the Parent Association Committee can choose specific items/areas they fundraising for. This list is normally compiled in September, or as early as possible in each new school year.
Any funds raised must be used for the purpose(s) for which the money was collected. For example, monies raised for sports equipment must be spent on sports equipment. If, in exceptional circumstances, it becomes unnecessary for the BOM to use all the funds collected for the purpose specified, the BOM will communicate this to the Parent Association. In any event the funds must be used for the school. The BOM, in consultation with the Parent Association Committee, will decide the change of purpose for which the funds are used. The Parent Association should never just raise funds without a purpose, although, of course it is entitled to raise funds for the administration and activities of the Parent Association, for example, for training, booking expert speakers, etc.
Scoil Bhride Athgarvan's Parent Association has a Bank Account in it's name. To safeguard all members of the Parent Association, two people are responsible for signing any cheques (normally the Treasurer with either the Chairperson or the Secretary).
Each year, when there is a change of personnel on the Committee, a form is obtained from the Bank to validate the names of those who are entitled to sign cheques. All transactions (income and expenditure) must be accounted for and a report given at each Committee meeting by the Treasurer. A copy of the Parent Association accounts should also be given to the BOM of the school.
The full accounts are presented to all parents at each AGM (normally held in early September). The date and time for the AGM will be advertised on posters around the school, in a Newsletter and, of course, here on this website. All parents / guardians are welcome to the AGM.