Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Click each icon below to find out more. Our current project is Flag 4 - TRAVEL
Our Sixth Flag will have to wait while we work on Themes 4 and 5!

Global Citizenship - Litter & Waste is the sixth theme of the Green-Schools Programme.
In previous themes we will have explored issues such as Waste, Litter, Energy, Water, Travel and Biodiversity. Most of these themes would have related to issues in or near our school whereas Global Citizenship - Litter & Waste issues will cross international boundaries.
This theme will enable us to discover how our work on the Green-Schools programme has positively influenced people and their environments worldwide. As Global Citizenship - Litter & Waste is such a broad theme it is linked it to all the previous themes we will have worked on.
To successfully implement the Green-Schools programme for Global Citizenship Litter & Waste we will be expected to establish the seven steps of the programme as described in the Green-Schools Handbook and to have made progress in reaching the targets we set in relation to the Global Citizenship Litter & Waste theme.
Actions and targets for Global Citizenship Litter & Waste should be focused around:
Raising awareness on how looking after our environment aids people all over the world
Promoting and facilitating ‘Active Citizenship’
Integrating the Global Citizenship Litter & Waste ethos into our wider Green-Schools programme
Making an improvement in the Litter & Waste management in our school
The overall aim of the Global Citizenship Litter & Waste theme is to create a knowledge and understanding about the link between environmental degradation and human rights. Students will learn about sustainable development and will be enabled to examine the world’s interdependency and development in a critical manner in order to create real change by acting locally and effecting a more equitable, just and sustainable world for all.