Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Healthy Lifestyle
At Scoil Bhride Athgarvan, we are proud to be a Health-Promoting School. This means that we concentrate on all apsects of health and well-being as we teach our children.
Our Students are deeply involved in this particular aspect of school life. We have a vibrant and hard-working Committee, who work on all aspects of our Healthy Lifestyle efforts. Please take some time to go through the information here, follow the links for further information and, if you can, get involved. Thank you.
Curragh Walks
Our monthly School Curragh Walk is an Athgarvan tradition dating back over the past 15 years
It's a great opportunity for the whole school community to join together and enjoy some fresh air and explore the surroundings, together with parents, guardians and pets
The addition of the pedestrian lights, zebra crossing and recently extended footpath allows for an initiative called Walk on Wednesday to take place.
There's always a spirit of friendly competition between classes to see who each week's WOW Winners are!
Healthy Lunches
Daily choices for lunchboxes and snacks play a vital part in our childrens' health and well-being,
As with other aspects of school life, home support is crucial for our Healthy Lifestyle efforts to be successful. YOU play a key role here and your support is vital..