Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Some children in Scoil BhrÃde have severe anaphylactic allergies triggered by nuts, and foods containing traces of nuts.
Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life threatening.
Scoil BhrÃde is committed to providing a safe environment that meets the needs of our children.
To minimise the risk posed to these children the school has the following requests:-
Please do not send nuts or peanuts to school. There is an increased risk of other food allergies in peanut allergic children and because of the risk of cross contamination it is usually recommended that peanut allergic people avoid nuts.
Please do not send in foods with active nut ingredients or which may contain traces of nuts or peanuts to school. In particular peanut butter, hazelnut spread (Nutella), certain muesli bars, chocolate bars and biscuits containing nuts. No nut oils such as peanut oil.
Please encourage thorough washing of hands and face with a damp cloth if children have eaten these foods before coming to school.
Provide drink containers and lunch boxes which are clearly labelled with the name of the child for whom they are intended.
Discourage any trading or sharing food.
Continue vigilance when there is a change from usual routines e.g. tours, family picnic days at school, sports days.
Thank you for your vigilence in this very important aspect of child safety within our school.

Click here to view or download Healthy Lunch Policy

If you have any queries, or if we can be of assistance regarding your child's specific dietary needs, please contact the Office.
T: 045 441645