Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Events & Fundraising

At the start of each school year, the Parent Association sit with our School Principal to discuss the wish-list of items needed for the School in the coming year. Fundraising efforts include: Christmas Cards created by our pupils, the hugely popular Winter Fair, bag-packing groceries, Pub Quiz night, amongst others.
The Parent Association also organise occasions to enhance the experience of the children. For example, at Easter, the Easter Bunny is invited to visit the Junior and Senior Infants. The very popular 'Grandparents Day' is a bi-annual event normally hosted in Spring. The Parent Association also help out with each year's Communion Class and the Sixth Class Graduation arrangements.
The Parent Association send regular emailed updates of Meeting Minutes, activities and events to be held. If you would like to be added to this mailing list, please contact the School Office, who will forward your request to the PA Secretary.