Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Click each icon below to find out more. Our current project is Flag 4 - TRAVEL
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We are in our second year of working on our Flag 4, Travel.

THEME Four - Travel
Travel is the fourth theme of the Green-Schools programme. The Travel theme is funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and supported by the National Transport Authority.
As part of our Action Plan, we set our own Travel targets, with the ultimate aim of increasing the number of pupils walking, cycling, park 'n stride, carpooling or using public transport, which will ease congestion by reducing the number of private cars arriving at the school gates.
We had a renewal visit from Caterina, our Travel Officer, on 25th January. She met with the Committee and asked them everything they’ve been doing in the past 2 years, checked that we’ve completed all 7 steps and then made her recommendation to An Taisce.
We are running a “No Idling’ Campaign trying to encourage cars and buses to run off engines while parked at the school.
We continue to encourage all students to come to and leave school in a “Green way” (walking, cycling, scooting, carpool, park n stride)
Walk on Wednesday class winners from last month were Ms Kelly and Ms Clancy.
The Committee have come up with a “Green School Motto” which is the Step 7 of the application process
By promoting sustainable transport modes (walking, cycling, car pooling or public transport), we will also improve pupils' safety, health and fitness. The journey to school is an ideal way for children to take part in regular physical activity, to interact with their peers, and to develop the road sense children need as pedestrians and cyclists. Alternative modes of transport also improve children's alertness. Our school will also lessen our overall impact on the environment, by reducing emissions and pollution.
Green-Schools Travel was rolled out nationally in September 2008 after a successful pilot programme in the Greater Dublin area. Since then it has worked, or is working, with over 1400 schools around the country to promote sustainable travel to school.
Green-Schools have dedicated Travel Education Officers throughout the country who are working closely with schools to support them through the 7-step process. The Travel theme is now acknowledged as a ‘best practice’ model for sustainable school travel within the international FEE network.