Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

School Uniform (September-April inclusive) consists of:
Grey Trousers / Skirt / Pinafore
Grey Shirt / Blouse
Crested Wine Coloured Jumper / Cardigan
School Tie
School Tracksuit (Unisex) on tracksuit days ONLY consists of:
White Polo Shirt
Crested Grey-Coloured Hoodie (new tracksuit available from September 2024)
Grey Coloured Tracksuit Bottom
Either old / new tracksuit can be worn for school year 2024/2025
Each class has two tracksuit days and we ask that you ensure that your child only wears tracksuit on these days. Your child may wear their school shorts on tracksuit days.
Summer Uniform - May & June ONLY
Consists of:
Grey Coloured Shorts / White Polo Shirt
New school shorts available from September 2024
Please note Junior Infants from 2022-2023 onwards will wear Tracksuit only.
Uniforms are available from Kidstuff and the Back to School Shop (all in

Tracksuit Days - 2024/2025
Each class has nominated 'Tracksuit Day(s)' each week. These can change from time to time over the course of the year, depending on activities such as Swimming, Football, and Active Schools Week.
Each Teacher will keep you informed of changes.
Tracksuit days for the 2024/2025 academic year are:
1st Class (a) Ms. Higgins Tuesday & Friday
1st Class (b) Ms. Breslin / Ms. Burke Tuesday & Friday
2nd Class (a) Ms. O'Brien Wednesday & Friday
2nd Class (b) Ms. Aherne Wednesday & Friday
3rd Class (a) Ms. Cleary Monday & Thursday
3rd Class (b) Ms. Moore Tuesday & Friday
4th Class Ms. Cosgrove Thursday & Friday
5th Class (a) Ms. Tennyson Thursday & Friday
5th Class (b) Ms. Kelly Thursday & Friday
6th Class Ms. M. Kavanagh Tuesday & Friday
Crested School jumper/cardigan, crested hoodie, tracksuit bottoms, shorts and school ties are available from the stockists listed below.
Non-crested clothing such as trousers, shirts, polo shirts are also available in all the larger stores such as Dunnes Stores. There is an option to get crests added to non-crested jumpers via the school each September.
Back to School Store
Unit 4,Cutlery Road,
T: 045 449 100
Contact: Pauline / Ellen
uNIT 4, bLOCK D,
The Courtyard Shopping Centre,
T: 045 486445