Scoil Bhríde Athgarvan

Safety First
The extended footpath, pedestrian lights, zebra crossing and set-down area allow for a safe journey to and from school.
Note for Walkers:
Use the footpath
Wait for Green Man at Pedestrian Lights
Look to your left at Zebra Crossing
Note for Drivers:
Do not attempt to drop off at main road
Do not stop to allow a child to cross if the Pedestrian Light is not on Red for traffic/Green Man for pedestrians.
We know you're trying to be nice, but the children are asked to wait for safe crossing
Keep the Zebra Crossing clear
Drive slowly through the set-down area
Be particularly attentive when reversing
If parking in the GAA carpark, please keep the marked pedestrian walkway clear at all times. Be attentive reversing
Wait for pedestrians at Zebra Crossing
Drive slowly.
Thank You.
Walk On Wednesday ~ How It Works
You'll see the hard-working Healthy Lifestyle Committee at the school entrance on Wednesday mornings with their clipboards and pens in hand. They are monitoring the number of students who are walking to school.
The totals from each class are calculated and grouped into two categories: Junior Classes and Senior Classes.
The Junior and Senior classes with the most recorded walkers are announced and congratulated.
Maybe you could Walk On Wednesday too ~ there's always great pride in being the week's winning Class!